Chris Platts

Chris Platts

Dr Chris Platts worked in Academia for over 15 years studying the work of professional footballers. He presented and published on the international stage before starting


It's just "bants" mate
Football career knowledge base · Featured

It's just "bants" mate

Whether this environment should be like this is a matter of wider debate, and plenty of debate exists. For us, however, at this point, what is important is that it is like this. This is an environment that you will have to thrive in to succeed in football

Are you hyperbolic discounting?
Football career knowledge base · members

Are you hyperbolic discounting?

It is easy to focus on the short-term rewards over the longer-term goals. For young people like footballers who are craving a professional contract, this is understandable. But that means that as parents, guardians and family members supporting those players, we need to focus on the longer term.

"We got a 100% pass rate"
Football career knowledge base · members

"We got a 100% pass rate"

We know that many young players have begun to disengage with education before they undertake their scholarship. We know that then they will be 'spoon fed' their education at an academy developing in them 'learned helplessness'. Despite this, we know that they will pass the qualifications.

Calling Parents and Guardians

Access your FREE guide to supporting your child through a Professional Football Academy Scholarship