Could Player Profile help you?
As you know, I like to add a guest Blog now and then. Well, here is something a bit different. Player Profile reached out to me, and I wanted to know a bit more about what they do. They offered to write a Blog, and here it is!
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Do you look both ways when crossing the road?
I help young players and their families to "look both ways as they cross the road". I want young players to go through their football journey knowing the full story, taking a more evidence-based approach to their career planning.

Why do players want to be professionals?
When becoming a professional player hangs in the balance or someone has decided to release a player and becoming a professional seems further away than it did before, I have found it useful to explore with a player why they want to be a professional.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Some clubs strive to develop the person before the footballer; some do not. The problem is that you don't know which club you are at until it is too late. Are you at a club that has a person-centred culture, or are you at a club that delivers what it has to, and that is your lot?