Whether this environment should be like this is a matter of wider debate, and plenty of debate exists. For us, however, at this point, what is important is that it is like this. This is an environment that you will have to thrive in to succeed in football
I thought I would put together a post that gives you an overview of the Relative Age Effect and how it might, ultimately, help you understand aspects of your child's development.
Often too proud to show weakness in a sport linked with masculinity, young players risk feeling isolated. My transition from academy to first-team football taught me that these experiences are shared by many, regardless of their career path.
It is easy to focus on the short-term rewards over the longer-term goals. For young people like footballers who are craving a professional contract, this is understandable. But that means that as parents, guardians and family members supporting those players, we need to focus on the longer term.
Claims that only 0.012% 'make-it' do little to advance our understanding of this topic and, therefore, are of little use for players trying to prepare for their careers or the parents and guardians supporting them. So let's dig a little deeper.
Over the years of researching this topic, I have read many stories of the treatment young players were exposed to. My research allowed me to dig deeper, and I have outlined some of it here.
Being viewed by others as "big time" is a risk in any professional football academy. It is a sign that you do not have a good attitude. But what is "big time", we can dive into the data to unpick that a little.
Society tends to simplify our worth down to our football performance, and many players internalise this message. We begin to believe that football defines us. But here’s the thing: Football is something you do, not who you are. That shift in perspective is vital.
This blog is inspired by a question posed by a Player Care Manager at a professional football club on LinkedIn. I was moved to respond to the question because of my experiences in this area and the data that supported my view.