Football career knowledge base · · 6 min read

The Complex Relationship Between Young Football Players and Education

Players are often expected to balance their intense training and match schedules with their educational requirements. Yet, for many, the experience of formal education is far from a positive one. Last week, a parent of a player asked me how I explained this. What a good topic for a blog!

In professional football, players are often expected to balance their intense training and match schedules with their educational requirements. Yet, for many, the experience of formal education—both in school and as part of their football scholarship—is far from a positive one. Last week, a parent of a player asked me how I explained this. What a good topic for a blog, I thought!

The first point to make, I feel, is that this isn't necessarily the fault of anyone. Rather, it is a complex process that develops, largely unintentionally. Nevertheless, that is not to say we can't do something about it or, at the very least, understand the attitudes and perspectives of football players toward education. The first step is exploring the deeper, underlying factors that shape their views on schooling more generally.

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