The Realities of Life as a Player: Lessons from the Journey
For many, becoming a professional footballer represents the ultimate dream—fame, fortune, and living out a passion for the game. Yet, as I’ve learned over the years, and as Dr Platts’ research indicates, this dream comes with layers of complexity that often go unseen.
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Are you hyperbolic discounting?
It is easy to focus on the short-term rewards over the longer-term goals. For young people like footballers who are craving a professional contract, this is understandable. But that means that as parents, guardians and family members supporting those players, we need to focus on the longer term.
The myth of the 0.012% (again)
Claims that only 0.012% 'make-it' do little to advance our understanding of this topic and, therefore, are of little use for players trying to prepare for their careers or the parents and guardians supporting them. So let's dig a little deeper.
Be prepared for your scholarship
Over the years of researching this topic, I have read many stories of the treatment young players were exposed to. My research allowed me to dig deeper, and I have outlined some of it here.